Annual Report 2023
Chair of School Council, Dr Paraskevi (Eve) Tsironis

2023 was a stellar year of achievements for MLC School in all spheres: academics, sports, music and co-curricular The Class of Year 12 2023 achieved some excellent results:
Ì One student achieved an ATAR of 99�95 and 10 achieved an ATAR of 99 or above; two students were placed on the HSC Top Achievers list for the top performing HSC students in a course
Ì Three HSC students were placed on the NSW All-Rounder list; 92 mentions on the HSC Distinguished Achievers list; 28 nominations and two students selected for external performances and showcases across Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, Music, Textile Design, and Visual Arts
Academic achievements continued with great results in NAPLAN, and success at the International Maths Olympiad, STA NSW Young Science Awards, da Vinci Decathlon and Tournament of the Minds
Many of our sports teams excelled, winning their respective competitions� The School’s debaters were victorious at the Friday Evening Debating (FED) and Archdale competitions, and so too was the Mock Trial team
The girls showcased their many musical and artistic talents at various competitions and well-attended events including the highly successful Sydney Opera House Concert, the Senior School drama production of Pride and Prejudice and Illuminate ‘Reach for the Stars’ Our dancers won multiple first place awards in the Wakakirri state and national competitions and the AASCF Dance Battle Competition
Immersion and service-learning programs resumed, including an Arnhem Land immersion and delegation to the Round Square Conference in Kenya
MLC School staff were also recognised for their achievements, with MLC School making it as a finalist in the 2023 Australian Educator Awards for the Best Junior STEM Program and Best First Nations Education Program Five staff received their experienced teacher accreditation in 2023
To enhance the learning of our students in the future, improvements and upgrades to school facilities continued:
Ì Junior School upgrades and renovations were completed earlier in the year and are being used and enjoyed by all
Ì The new Food Technology Kitchens, completed with a bequest by Lawrence Hinchcliffe in memory of his wife, Meryl Hilda Wright (1927), an MLC School Old Girl, are in full operation
Ì The Performing Arts Centre moved to the design phase� Phase 1 of the Performing Arts/Sports project will now include double indoor netball courts – providing additional teaching and co-curricular spaces, as well as providing indoor training spaces for wet and extreme temperatures; other facilities include a new theatre, music, dance and drama teaching spaces, instrumental teaching rooms, staff spaces and change rooms as well as storage
The Performing Arts and Sports Centre is a focus and main priority for the Council, ahead of submission as a State Significant Development (SSD) in 2024
A true high point of the year was the MLC School Giving Day, which once again highlighted the generosity of our community with over $220,000 being raised to go towards Indigenous education and scholarship programs�
In November, we farewelled Council member and Old Girl Fiona Hollier (1974) We thank her for 21 years of dedicated service on the MLC School Council
MLC School’s strong enrolments, financial sustainability, excellent results and emphasis on putting the girl at the heart of all we do, means girls continue to have a very bright future and many opportunities afforded to them
Dr Paraskevi (Eve) Tsironis (1988) Chair of MLC School Council
Principal, Lisa Moloney

2023 was yet another successful year at MLC School The energy and enthusiasm with which our students approach their days at school is inspiring They are often here early in the morning for sports training or music rehearsals, spend lunchtimes at one of the many clubs or societies, and then finish off the day with debating, more music, robotics, gymnastics or one of the other activities available to them This level of involvement, as well as their commitment to their studies, is the hallmark of the MLC School girl; it is no wonder that our graduates go on to make such a positive impact on the world beyond school; they are used to challenging themselves and know that in order to achieve, they have to work hard
To support our students and to offer them such an array of opportunities both in and out of the classroom requires an exceptional team of teachers, and support and professional staff MLC School is blessed in this regard These include the MLC School Executive team and Council, Chaplains, the Senior Leadership Team, the Heads of Year, Heads of House, House Patrons, Heads of Department, Year Coordinators, the Health and Wellbeing team, and all those who teach and support our students or who work behind-the-scenes; they are second to none and are committed to excellence
In Term 3 2023, I had the opportunity to take a period of sabbatical leave, during which I visited a range of girls’ schools in the United Kingdom and the United States of America (USA), undertook an advanced leadership course at the Center for Creative Leadership and spent time looking at school/industry partnerships in the USA� Melissa Boyd stepped into the role of Acting Principal, and Linda Emms took on the role of Acting Deputy Principal so the School did not miss a beat, and I thank them for their leadership and support The information gleaned through my school visits and study will be most valuable as we work on our strategy for the coming years�
The Class of 2023 were the first cohort of girls to have graduated from our very first Pre-Kindergarten enrolments 14 years ago, and it was fabulous to see just how many had completed their school education with us after starting as a four year old all those years ago
Congratulations are also due to our School Captains who led both the student leadership team and the Year 12 cohort to enhance unity and build community Their commitment to their roles and the skill with which they navigated challenges and implemented new initiatives were impressive
We are also proud of the Class of 2023’s impressive academic achievements across the Higher School Certificate (HSC) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Many of our students achieved high academic results across a range of subjects, along with selections and nominations in the creative and performing arts due to their hard work and commitment But of course, academic results tell only part of the story We are equally proud of those who overcame personal challenges and setbacks to complete their final year and achieve their absolute best
Another highlight of 2023 was the return of the much-loved SydneyOperaHouse Concert, which involved all students from Year 5 to Year 12 and staff from across the School; with the event reminding us just how unifying it can be to come together with a shared purpose
So much strength comes from our collective commitment to putting ‘the girl at the heart of all that we do’ and I thank you all; parents/ carers, staff, Old Girls, Council, and the broader School community for supporting us as we work toward that collective goal�
Lisa Moloney Principal
The MLC School girl is at the heart of everything we do�
MLC School’s mission is to educate and inspire young women to be fearless thinkers with moral courage and compassion, to be agents of change in their own lives and the lives of others�
Ì Courage Ì Compassion Ì Respect Ì Growth
The MLC School girl is empowered with skills and capabilities that enable her to be adaptive, compassionate and courageous� She embraces new challenges and opportunities; and strives for excellence She is cared for and well supported so that she can confidently focus on her own individual, personal and academic growth�
2023 Educational and Financial Reporting
MLC School will maintain the relevant data and will comply with reporting requirements of the Department of Education and Communities (DEC) and the Department of Education and Training (DET) This reporting will include public disclosure of the educational and financial performance measures and policies of the School as required from time to time
Annual Report Procedures for implementing the policy include:
Ì Identification of the staff member responsible for coordinating the final preparation and distribution of the annual report to the Board and other stakeholders as required
Ì For each reporting area, identification of the staff member responsible for the collection, analysis and storage of the relevant data and for providing the relevant information to the coordinator for inclusion in the report
Ì Determination of the specific content to be included in each section of the report and reviewing this each year to ensure ongoing compliance, relevance and usefulness
Ì Preparation of the report in an appropriate form to send to the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) setting the annual schedule for:
ÃŽ Delivery of information for each reporting area to the coordinator
ÃŽ Preparation and publication of the report
ÃŽ Distribution of the report to NESA and other stakeholders
From time to time the Australian Government, through the Minister for Education, and the NSW Government, through the Minister for Education and Communities, may request additional information� To ensure that any requests are dealt with appropriately, the School will identify the staff member responsible for coordinating the School’s response This person is responsible for the collection of the relevant data and for ensuring it is provided to the relevant authority in the appropriate form
The School will identify the staff member responsible for completing the questionnaire� This person is responsible for the collection of the relevant data and for ensuring it is provided to DET in an appropriate form
MLC School will maintain the relevant data and will comply with reporting requirements of DEC and DET� This report includes public disclosure of the educational and financial performance measures and policies of the School This report is available to download by members of the MLC School Community via the MLC School website Notification of its availability after 30 June 2024 will be made via the MLC School Community e-newsletter It will also be made available in hard copy upon request
The financial position of MLC School continues to remain sound, with all key budget parameters for 2023 achieved�
 Fees and private income  Commonwealth recurrent grants  State recurrent grants
 Salaries, allowances, related expenses  Non-salary expenses  Capital expenditure
Evidence of Compliance
1. Key School Bodies Reports
The MLC School Council oversees the governance of MLC School (ACN 645 102 325), a company incorporated in October 2020, and is the guardian of the vision of the School's founders� The Council provides a link to the Uniting Church of Australia The Council is responsible for determining the strategic direction and overseeing the proper and efficient management of MLC School
There are currently 11 Council members The Council has three standing Committees: Finance Risk and Audit Committee, Nominations and Review Committee as well as the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee
In 2023, MLC School Council met eight times (including the Annual General Meeting), under the Chair, Dr Paraskevi (Eve) Tsironis
The Parents and Friends Association (P&F) is the main parent body at MLC School Its purpose is to enhance family involvement in the MLC School community, build and strengthen community spirit and support the School in material, practical and financial ways
The P&F Executive continued to meet online or face to face throughout the year, and held two Business meetings open to all parents� The P&F hosted a number of events and fundraisers including the inaugural Cocktails,Canapes and Conversation Evening, Mother's Day ClassicWalk and two Parent Forums, the last of which featured 2023 Australian of the Year, Taryn Brumfitt The P&F also recognised staff by providing morning tea on World Teacher Recognition Day Secondhand clothing sales provided a highly regarded avenue for parents to purchase quality uniforms, and maintains a sustainable approach to recycling various items�
The Junior School P&F, a sub-committee, is highly active and their team of volunteers act in support of a number of initiatives Junior School P&F hosted International Night for almost 1000 guests as a key achievement, amongst a busy calendar that also included Mother's Day and Father's Day celebrations Parent ambassadors continued their efforts to keep fostering community by welcoming new families, organising parent events and maintaining communication
The SRC is the voice of the student body and is an elected committee with three representatives each from Year 7 through to Year 11 The members are voted by their peers Year 6 class representatives are also appointed, and Year 12 is represented by the SRC Captain
The SRC provides girls with opportunities to collaborate across year groups on a variety of events and initiatives, including addressing concerns, organising feedback and planning student events
The SRC was active in 2023 in not only raising issues of importance to the student body, but also running a number of initiatives designed to support, engage and connect girls in School-wide activities These initiatives included popular events such as Teacher Appreciation Week and World’s Greatest Shave.
The JSSC consists of members from Year 3 to Year 5 There are two members representing each class, and it is their role to bring up any issues that the class may have and suggest initiatives to the Head of Junior School and Principal
From fundraising, to organising community events, the JSSC’s main goal is to bring the MLC School Junior School community together The JSSC works to display the School Values of Courage, Compassion, Respect and Growth In 2023, the JSSC ran Staff Appreciation Week, organising a Baby Photo Kahoot, a poster of appreciation messages from the girls, and made a video of appreciative message to the staff which was shown at the assembly that week Stay and Play was another highlight of the year A lot of work by the JSSC in organising their class’s stall paid off, as it was a very enjoyable event
2. Contextual Information About MLC School
MLC School is an independent, non-selective girls’ school under the Uniting Church of Australia, educating girls from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 It is situated 11 kilometres from the CBD in Sydney� Established in 1886, MLC School pioneered young women’s education and was one of the earliest to prepare its students for university This view that it is encumbent upon the School to break barriers and set new expectations around the education of girls continues today
MLC School offers:
Ì A culturally and ethnically diverse student body
Ì Dedicated staff who create compelling and engaging learning experiences
Ì Fully integrated educational experiences for each of MLC School’s learning environments – the Early, Junior, and Senior Years
Ì A commitment to international standards of excellence providing the pathways for Higher School Certificate (HSC) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme for tertiary entry
Ì Languages including Japanese, French, Indonesian, Chinese (Mandarin), Spanish and Italian
Ì Extensive co-curricular programs that focus on leadership, personal challenge and resilience in multiple domains
Ì Co-curricular activities including a world-renowned Music department
Ì Nationally recognised and award-winning programs for swimming, diving and gymnastics
Ì Dynamic dance and drama productions
Ì Debating and public speaking programs
Ì Extra-curricular partnerships with leading institutions to enhance student learning
Ì Opportunities for girls to develop a deep understanding of the Christian faith and respect for other faiths
Ì A dedication to global citizenship through programs such as Round Square Our girls become compassionate agents of change in their own lives and the lives of others
In 2023, our Year 12 students achieved strong academic results
The median ATAR for the HSC cohort was 85�08 and the median IBAS score (ATAR equivalent) for the IB cohort was 95 3
School Facts
School sector Non-Government School type Combined
Year range Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12
Total enrolments 1373
Girls 1373
Boys 0
Full-time equivalent enrolments 1342 2 Indigenous students 13
equivalent teaching and non-teaching staff
*An additional 43 students attend early childhood programs at MLC School These students are not included in the census statistics that relate to full-time equivalent enrolments from Kindergarten to Year 12 only
3. Student Performance in National and Statewide Tests and Examinations
MLC School offers two courses to attain a Year 12 school leavers’ qualification, the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Students are guided and counselled in their choice of course
Options include:
a. Pathways – Each year some MLC School students in Year 11 and Year 12 select the Pathways option of extending their HSC or IB Diploma by up to two years to accommodate their demanding commitments in extra-curricular activities or to provide, in special circumstances, flexible program delivery over a longer period of time
b. NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Endorsed Curriculum Framework courses that gain credit towards the HSC, count towards the ATAR and credit towards national vocational qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
c. All examinable courses, including Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses, from 2025 HSC will count towards the ATAR
In 2023, our Year 12 students achieved strong academic results
The median ATAR for the HSC cohort was 85 08 and the median IBAS score (ATAR equivalent) for the IB cohort was 95 30 The median for the combined cohort was 89 10
Ì 6% of students scored 99 00 or above
Ì 28% of students scored 95�00 or above
Ì 46% of students scored 90 00 or above
The University Admissions Centre (UAC) awards the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) for HSC students� A University Admission Centre Rank (UAC Rank) awards the IBAS for IB students
For detailed information, please see mlcsyd nsw edu au
In 2023, there were 91 instances of students being awarded Band 6 or E4 (the highest bands possible) while 56% of the cohort achieved a Band 6 in at least one subject
In 27 HSC subjects of 32 courses offered, MLC School’s average exceeded the state average In 25 of the 32 courses sat by our students, the results in Bands 5 and 6 exceeded the state average Three students were placed on the HSC All Rounders list, for those who achieve Band 6 in 10 units of studies�
For detailed information, please visit mlcsyd�nsw�edu�au
2023 was the first time since 2020 that the COVID-19 restrictions had been lifted from the IB Diploma Programme This change resulted in the modified curriculum being removed and all students completing the full requirements for the Diploma Programme Additionally, higher grade boundaries were also reinstated and similar to those seen in 2019�
The 2023 IB results for MLC School were high� One student achieved 45 out of 45 (the highest possible IB Score), converting
2023 IB – MLC School Results and World Average
to an ATAR rank of 99 95 24 students received Distinction certificates having gained a score of 40 or more and 81 students were awarded the International Baccalaureate Diploma
The median IBAS (IB Admissions Score) rank was 93 2 24 students achieved the maximum three bonus points for their work in the compulsory core areas of Theory of Knowledge and the 4000-word Extended Essay� The highest grade achievable in a course, Grade 7, was attained 116 times
The Record of School Achievement (RoSA) was introduced in 2012� Students in Year 10 and Year 11 are awarded grades in each of their subjects The table below gives MLC School’s pattern of Grades for all Year 10 courses in 2023 and compares them with the State’s pattern of grade distribution
The table below gives MLC School’s pattern of Grades for all Year 11 courses in 2023 and compares them with the State’s pattern for distribution of grades
NAPLAN participation for MLC School is 99%
NAPLAN participation for all Australian students is 95%
Comparison with students of a similar background
Comparison with all Australian students
Interpreting the tables Selected school’s average when compared students of similar background and all Australian students.
Well above
Close to
Well below
No comparison available
Please note: The NAPLAN summary tables do not exist for 2023 due to reporting changes MLC School was not provided with the data for statistically similar schools
4. Senior Secondary Outcomes
In 2023, MLC School continued its excellent academic results sustained over a wide range of student achievements The median Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) for the HSC cohort was 85 08; median IBAS score (ATAR equivalent) for the IB cohort was 95 3
^Some students completed more than one VET qualification�
5. Professional Learning and Teaching Standards, Attendance and Non-Attendance
Professional Learning
MLC School staff undertook professional learning opportunities throughout 2023 which included:
Ì HSC/IB DP marking
Ì Staff development days
Ì Mentoring programs
Ì School-based workshops
Ì Online training courses
Ì External conferences and workshops
The professional learning at MLC School is developed through consultation with relevant stakeholders and is linked to the Strategic Plan, staff professional development plans and departmental operational plans that are informed by data collection and analysis
MLC School expended an annual figure of $192,421 on professional learning for both teaching and support and operational staff in 2023
The School Executive participated in professional learning conducted by an expert leadership coach� In addition to this, each member of the Executive undertook external professional learning opportunities as relevant to their role including but not limited to compliance requirements, child protection, workforce management, research into pedagogical practice and wellbeing
All staff participated in professional learning about child protection, the MLC School Reconciliation Action Plan and First Aid, as part of the whole School professional learning days�
Teaching staff participated in professional learning workshops related to student learning dispositions, coaching and mentoring, mental health and wellbeing, the implementation of the new syllabi in all stages, pedagogical approaches to the use of technology in improving student learning outcomes and cyber safety
In addition to the school-based workshops, teaching staff also participated in accredited courses provided by the following organisations:
Ì Association of Independent Schools NSW (AIS NSW)
Ì NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
Ì International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)
Further professional learning was completed through attendance at non-accredited courses provided by:
Ì Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA)
Ì Independent Primary School Heads of Australia (IPSHA)
Ì Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Ì History Teachers Association (HTA)
Ì Mathematics Association of NSW (MANSW)
Ì English Teachers Association (ETA)
Ì Technology Educators Association (TEA)
Ì Geography Teachers Association of NSW and ACT (GTA NSW)
Ì Modern Language Teachers Association of NSW
Ì Science Teachers Association of NSW Inc (STASW)
Ì Visual Arts and Design Educators Association (VADEA)
Ì Gifted and Talented Secondary Teachers Association (GATSTA)
Teacher Accreditation as 31 December 2023
Teacher Qualifications*
1. Teachers having teacher education qualifications from a higher education institution within Australia or as recognised within the National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) guidelines, or
2. Teachers having a Bachelor degree from a higher education institution within Australia or one recognised within the AEI-NOOSR guidelines but lack formal teacher education qualifications 0
*Note that the number of teachers falling within these two categories may not sum to the total number of teachers as reported in the previous accreditation table as some teachers with Conditional accreditation may not be included
6. Workforce Composition
In 2023, the average daily staff attendance rate for teachers was 95�9%� The proportion of teaching staff retained from 2022 to 2023 was 86 9%
7. Student Attendance and Retention Rates
Students at MLC School have high attendance rates The School monitors student attendance administratively through both Junior School and Senior School processes Strategies to improve poor or unsatisfactory school or class attendance include following up unexplained absence via phone contact, email, and student/ parent/carer interviews
Unsatisfactory attendance information is transferred to student files and for students whose attendance pattern is of concern, documentation to substantiate reasons for absence is requested, and follow up with appropriate external agencies is taken
Ninety three per cent of students attended school on average each school day in 2023 This figure maintains the daily attendance achieved since 2011 when attendance reporting became a requirement
As reported to Department of Education and Training (DET)
8. Post School Destinations Year 12 2023 Cohort
Reflecting on the achievements of our 2023 cohort, we are pleased to present the diverse post-school destinations of our graduates Each student's journey is unique, reflecting their individual aspirations, interests and ambitions From STEM fields to humanities, arts and business studies, our graduates have applied for courses that align with their interests and career goals� This diversity underscores our commitment to supporting our students in exploring and pursuing their passions, regardless of the field they choose to pursue
Several students were awarded prestigious scholarships, including industry Co-op Scholarships from The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and The University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Commerce, Accounting and Information Technology� Additionally, students with ATARs of 98+ have been invited to receive the Dalyell Scholarship at The University of Sydney, while many others have received academic merit scholarships
Recognising the significance of non-academic achievements, a large percentage of students were commended for their personal endeavours over their senior years Participation in activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, Cadets, as well as accomplishments in music and sport, earned students 'bonus points' which enhanced their university selection rank Similarly, strong performance in certain subjects for the HSC or IB Diploma provided students with additional adjustments
Four students demonstrated exceptional dedication in securing admissions to prestigious overseas institutions These applications often involve auditions, portfolio submissions, and, in some cases, a commitment to pursuing additional studies from as early as Year 9 to demonstrate a sustained interest in a particular area
Several students have opted to defer their offers to pursue a gap year During this time, they will engage in overseas travel, work at summer camps in the USA, Canada, and UK boarding schools, gaining valuable life experiences and broadening their horizons before embarking on their academic journey
9. Enrolment Profile, Policy and Procedure
The total number of students enrolled at the Commonwealth Census date of 1 August 2023 was 1373 (includes 43 PreKindergarten students) As in previous years, the Inner West and Inner Sydney maintain the highest proportion of students, increasing by 0 83% and 0 75% respectively St George and Sutherland Shire are the next most significant drawing areas, decreasing by 0 81% in the previous year Central Northern Sydney, Central Western Sydney and the Eastern Suburbs all showed slight increases
MLC School students reflect a wide range of family backgrounds
More than 30 parent/carer nationalities and 35 different religions are represented in the MLC School environment
Enrolment Entry Levels
Although the School has formal entry points, we welcome entry at all year levels This will be at the discretion of the Principal and only if places are available
Formal or regular points of entry are:
Ì Pre-Kindergarten – Early Years (students must turn 4 years by 31 May in the year of entry) This is either a 3-day or a 5-day program
Ì Kindergarten – Early Years (students must turn 5 years by 31 May in the year of entry
Ì Year 3 – Junior School
Ì Year 5 – Junior School
Ì Year 6 – Transition
Ì Year 7 – Senior School
Ì Year 9 – Senior School
Ì Year 10 – In readiness to commence either the Higher School Certificate (HSC) or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme
The MLC School enrolment process begins when an application for enrolment form has been completed and sent to the School, together with the application fee� This form must be accompanied by several supporting documents, including the child’s birth certificate
We encourage parents to enrol their daughters as soon as possible Entry is not academically selective The School accepts enrolment applications any time after birth Attending a tour morning is a recommended step in the enrolment process for all families
Once a completed application for enrolment has been received, each applicant is placed on a waiting list�
Year Group Distribution at Census 2023
For entry into Year 8 to Year 11, at least two years prior to the nominated year of entry, and prior to being interviewed, the School will invite students to undertake a learner profile assessment to determine their current learning level
Those students entering the School from outside the New South Wales education system will also be asked to sit for a diagnostic assessment, to determine the most appropriate entry level An acceptable standard of English is a prerequisite for all students within this entry range
After completion of all the entry requirements, parents and their daughters may be invited to an interview
Families with girls entering the School from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6 will meet with the Head of Junior School or their delegate for an interview Appropriate to the year group, families with girls entering the School from Year 7 to Year 11 will meet with the Deputy Principal or Head of Senior School, for their interview� An invitation to interview is not a guarantee of an offer
It is the parent/carer's responsibility to advise the School of any changes to contact details once their daughter is enrolled If the School is unable to contact a parent/carer their daughter’s enrolment application may be forfeited� Changes to entry year should be advised as soon as possible and will be considered but cannot be guaranteed
MLC School Old Girls and Current Families
Preference is given to daughters of MLC School Old Girls and to current MLC School families It is recommended that application be made by their daughter’s first birthday or at least three years prior to the nominated entry level� Families with preference need to observe the School’s enrolment procedures
Enrolment Fee
If an offer is made, families are required to pay the nonrefundable Final Enrolment Fee of $A2900 per student and sign an enrolment agreement (Enrolment Contract) with the School
This payment should be received within 10 days of the receipt of the letter to confirm enrolment at MLC School
If the offer is not accepted within the timeframe, it will lapse, and places will be offered to others on the waiting list
NOTE: The Enrolment Fee is separate from the tuition fees
NOTE: The School reserves the right to not offer a place, at any stage of the enrolment process The School also reserves the right to determine the appropriate entry level for each applicant, based on their age
Conditions of Enrolment
These Conditions are to be agreed to by parents or guardians when they accept an offer of a place for a child at the School
'Parents' includes guardians or any other person who has applied to have a child entered on the waiting list or enrolled at the School and, where the child has only one parent, means that parent
1. The School Council determines the fees and charges that will be payable from time to time which are set out in a Schedule of Fees The fees are revised regularly and may be amended each year
2. Fees and Charges may also be levied for co-curricular activities, elective subjects and sport
3. We agree to pay to the School all fees for tuition, extra subjects, excursions, camps and the supply of goods and services to the student as determined by the School Council and as published in the Scale of Fees from time to time
4. All fees are payable in advance and are due within 14 days of the date of the fee statement If we fail to pay by the due date, we agree to pay an Overdue Charge calculated on the amount outstanding from the due date until the date of payment The Overdue Charge is a rate percent per annum determined by the School from time to time� It is based on the average rate received by the School on its deposits
plus an amount to reflect the administrative costs to the School in collecting outstanding fees The Overdue Charge represents a genuine pre-estimate by the School of the loss that it would suffer if fees were not paid by the due date� We understand that we may obtain the current rate from the Finance Office
5. If an account for fees is not paid in full by the end of the term in which they were due for payment, the student’s enrolment may be suspended and the School may subsequently without further notice refuse entry to the student or terminate her enrolment
6. A full term’s notice in writing must be given to the Principal before any student is withdrawn/removed The notice must be given no later than one week prior to the end of the preceding term� If this notice is not given, we agree to pay a term’s fees plus GST This amount is a genuine pre-estimate by the School of the loss that it will suffer if we do not provide the required notice
7. We understand that no remission of fees, either in whole or in part, will be made if the student is absent due to illness, leave or suspension
8. We authorise the School to incur expenditure on our behalf such as purchases of books, stationery and equipment, and to advance such fares from time to time as the School considers necessary
9. We agree to pay all medical and ambulance expenses incurred on behalf of the student
Expectations and Behaviour
10. The School may terminate the enrolment of the student without notice if, either before or after the commencement of enrolment, the School finds the relevant particulars of the special needs of the student have not been provided to the School or the particulars provided are materially incorrect or misleading
11. We understand that our acceptance of the School’s offer of a place for the student implies that she will complete her schooling at the School unless unforeseen circumstances arise�
12. We acknowledge and agree that the student is expected to respect the School values, adhere to all School rules, work diligently at her studies and consistently behave in a manner appropriate for an MLC School student, including in regard to her personal presentation and conduct, and in relation to any digital and social media profile and activity
13. We acknowledge and agree that students are expected to wear the School uniform as prescribed including when travelling to and from school and follow conventional standards of appearance while at school in accordance with the School’s guidelines and the expectation of the School community�
14. We acknowledge and agree that as parents it is our obligation to support the student to meet the School’s expectations at all times Should the Principal deem that the student is not meeting these requirements, she may, in her absolute discretion, give one term’s written notice to cancel the student’s enrolment
15. We acknowledge and agree that we must ensure the student has each item of officially required uniform, clean
and in good repair, and all other requirements such as textbooks and stationery
16. We have noted the School’s requirements in relation to discipline, home study, uniform code, attendance and leave and agree that the student must abide by them, and we agree to abide by them where they specifically apply to parent responsibility
17. We acknowledge that the School is a Christian community and that behaviours and attitudes based on Christian values are encouraged
18. We acknowledge and agree that we should communicate with students, parent/carer(s), visitors and staff members in a courteous manner, and follow the communication guidelines laid down by the School from time-to-time and observe any relevant Code of Conduct� We agree to avoid confrontation and criticism in public and accept that there is no place in the School community for sarcasm, derogatory remarks, inappropriate familiarity or offensive comments
19. We accept the School’s Discipline Policy and we agree to support the administration of the School’s Discipline Policy
20. We acknowledge and accept that the Principal may in her absolute discretion, but subject to affording the student procedural fairness, suspend or expel the student for breaches of rules or discipline Failure on our part to comply with these conditions of enrolment could also lead to suspension or expulsion of the student�
21. We acknowledge and agree that the Principal may, by giving us one term’s written notice, cancel the student’s enrolment if the Principal considers that a mutually beneficial relationship of trust and cooperation between the School and us has broken down to the extent that it adversely impacts on that relationship
22. We acknowledge that the Principal may cancel the enrolment of the student or ask us to remove the student from the School where the student has, in the Principal’s opinion, failed to meet the requirements of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) or has otherwise failed to make satisfactory progress in her academic work and/or that the School can no longer meet the student’s needs, by giving not less than one term’s notice
23. We acknowledge and agree that the Principal may cancel the student’s enrolment on the basis of a pattern of behaviour and/or non co-operation between the student and/or the parent and the School, which the Principal considers is not beneficial to the School
24. We understand and agree that the student is expected to maintain a consistent level of participation in School activities including the co-curricular program (fees may apply)� We understand and agree that as parents it is our obligation to support the student to meet these expectations at all times
25. We accept that the School will determine which particular programs, courses and activities are offered and/or provided at any time and which of these programs, courses and activities are compulsory We agree to obtain for the student the textbooks, technology and learning resources recommended by the School for its compulsory programs, courses and activities and to ensure that the student has these available for use at school
26. We acknowledge and agree that the School has the right to assess the suitability of each student to automatically progress to the next academic year, and determine whether it is in the best interests of the student to do so
27. We agree and accept that all students must participate in and/or attend any activities deemed compulsory by the Principal, including but not limited to:
i. As a school of the Uniting Church in Australia, their annual Sunday House Chapel Service, end of term Holy Communion Services (partaking of Holy Communion as a sacrament is optional but attendance at the Services is required), and weekly ChapeL
ii. Co-curricular activities
iii. The School sports program including Junior School and Senior School swimming and athletics carnival
iv. Important School events such as Speech Day, Speech Night, whole school music or other whole school events and other events as required by the Principal, from time to time
v. Various school camps, immersive learning experiences and excursions that occur from time to time as an integral part of the school curriculum
28. We understand that the School requires parents to be actively involved in the School through attendance at parent/teacher interviews and parent forums, participation in courses offered by the School relevant to the student’s education and assistance to the School in a voluntary capacity from time to time
29. Requests for leave from school activities, including academic and co-curricular programs, and for early departure at the end of a day or term and/or late return from breaks will be refused unless in the most exceptional circumstances and must be applied for in writing to the Principal�
All applications are processed in accordance with the School’s Enrolment Policy Each applicant’s statement/interview responses regarding her ability and willingness to support the School’s ethos is considered
Each applicant’s educational needs are considered To do this, the School gathers information and consults with the parents/ family and other relevant persons� Any strategies are identified to accommodate the applicant before a decision regarding the enrolment is made
Subject to availability, offers of a place will be made according to whether there are siblings of the student already at the School, whether they are the child of a former student and in the order of receipt Continuing enrolment is subject to the student’s adherence to school rules (see Enrolment Contract, Pastoral Care Policies and Behaviour Management Policies) and payment of all school fees
The applicant and her family are then informed of the outcome MLC School policies can be found on the MLC School website or in print form upon request from the Marketing and Community Relations' office
10. School Policies
The School seeks to provide a safe and supportive environment which:
Ì Minimises risk of harm and ensures students feel secure
Ì Supports the physical, social, academic, spiritual and emotional development of students
Ì Provides student welfare policies and programs that develop a sense of self worth and foster personal development
Anti-Bullying Policy
Bullying and harassment in all forms – physical, verbal, electronic, emotional, psychological, and social, are totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated The School has a supportive Pastoral Care structure of Heads of Year, Heads of House, Luminaries, Counsellors and other staff, as well as tailored Wellbeing programs and strategies to support its students The School employs a variety of approaches to deal with any bullying incident including restorative justice Bullying issues are dealt with quickly, sensitively and firmly Dealing with bullying is a priority and will be managed as such Serious or repeated bullying may result in suspension of the student(s) from the School�
Discipline Policies
At MLC School, students are required to demonstrate our School Values of Courage, Compassion, Respect and Growth, showing care for all members of the School community at all times Students are required to abide by the MLC School Student Code of Conduct and School Rules and to follow the directions of teachers and other people with authority, as delegated by the School There is no corporal punishment at MLC School under any circumstances
MLC School follows procedural fairness in all discipline issues, working to ensure that the Student Code of Conduct and School Rules are implemented fairly and consistently Where disciplinary action is required, the impact of the inappropriate behaviour on others or on the School Community provides the basis for a range of consequences MLC School strives to maintain a safe and supportive environment
The full text of the School’s Code of Conduct and associated procedures is provided to all members of the School Community through:
Ì Parent Information Handbook
Ì Student Diary
Ì The My MLC School Portal
Policies for Complaints and Grievances Resolution
The School’s policy for dealing with complaints and grievances includes processes for raising and responding to matters of concern identified by all students, staff, parents/carers and external parties� These processes incorporate, as appropriate, principles of procedural fairness
The full text of the School’s policy and processes for employee complaints and grievances is provided on the School’s website
Processes in relation to student and parent complaints are outlined in the Grievances and Complaints Policy for Parents and Students, available on the MLC School website mlcsyd nsw edu au
10.1 Support
MLC School promotes a learning environment where teachers and pupils are mutually supportive The School expects teachers and students to respect each other and not engage in conduct that undermines this mutual trust and support, and also to respect the philosophy and ethics of the School� The School encourages consultation between all members of the School community in matters that affect them
10.2 Security
The School will implement measures designed to promote the safety and wellbeing of students, particularly having regard to its professional judgment as to what is required, and will include in its consideration such matters as:
a. Appropriate levels of supervision
b. Security of buildings
c. Procedures in case of fire or other emergencies
d. Use of grounds and facilities
e. Travel on school-related activities
f. Other appropriate matters
The implementation of these requirements and procedures will be monitored for compliance on a regular schedule
10.3 Supervision
Appropriate measures will be taken by School staff to seek to ensure that all students are adequately cared for and supervised while undertaking both on-site and off-site activities, bearing in mind the type of activities and age of the students involved
10.4 Conduct
a. The School has a Code of Conduct for staff and students that may be supplemented as needed by specific rules and directives The Code of Conduct includes such matters as:
i. The rights and responsibilities of students and staff within the School community
ii. Behaviour management
iii. The role of any School leadership system (or equivalent) in the School and the monitoring of that system
iv. The management and reporting of serious incidents
b. The School implements appropriate behaviour management practices for students, consistent with the philosophy of the School and with other aspects of this policy
c. The School implements a student leadership system
10.5 Complaints and Grievances
The School has in place processes for dealing with complaints and grievances raised by all students, staff, parents/carers and external parties� These processes will incorporate, as appropriate, principles of procedural fairness
10.6 Pastoral Care
a. Students are aware of, and have access to, appropriate Pastoral Care arrangements and access to, and use of, counselling within the School
b. The School takes reasonable measures to identify students with additional needs and provide them with an appropriate level of support to assist them with their schooling with minimal disruption, taking into account the resources available�
c. Students requiring health and/or medical services and support or medication are assisted to access these in an appropriate manner The School employs a full-time qualified Nurse to provide appropriate care on a daily basis
10.7 Communication
The School provides both formal and informal mechanisms to facilitate communication between those with an interest in a student’s education and wellbeing This may include communications between some or all of the following: student; parent or carer or other significant family member of the student; teacher; counsellor; principal; representative of an appropriate government, welfare, health or other authority
10.8 Welfare
Welfare procedures for students undertaking distance education, outside tutoring, courses/subjects with an external provider or students taking up alternative residential/accommodation arrangements for the purposes of their schooling are as per school-based procedures�
All of the above policies have been implemented in a manner that is appropriate to the School, its students and the School community and with regard to the relevant legislative requirements that apply to the School and the students within its care
11. School Determined Improvement Targets
Achievements Against Targets Set for 2023
Focus Action Outcome
Continue rollout of Immersive Learning programs across Senior School cohorts
Learning and Teaching
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
Communication and Family Experience
Our Staff
Governance and Sustainability
Introduce new subjects for Senior Years Completed
Develop roadmap for student related data In progress
Review of timetable structure in the Senior School Held over
Integrate new and emerging technologies in and beyond the classroom to engage and enhance the learning of our students Ongoing
Undertake wide ranging review of School reports In progress
Implementation of the Kindergarten to Year 2 English syllabus Completed
Review Early Years program and structure (Pre-Kindergarten) Completed
Preparation for the implementation of the new syllabi in Mathematics, English (Year 7 to Year 10) and Science Ongoing
Continue integration of ATSI perspectives Ongoing
Review student leadership structure and process Completed
Introduce Senior School Behaviour Management and Student Discipline Guidelines Completed
Introduce tailored ICT technologies to further monitor and support students with appropriate interventions Held over
Enhance staff capability in Pastoral Care practice through professional learning and appropriate ICT programs Held over
Review Pastoral Care and Wellbeing structure Held over
Reinvigorate the House system Ongoing
Appoint House Coordinator Completed
Review of co-curricular administration Completed
Pilot new Round Square experiences Held over
Continue rollout of new outdoor education experiences for specific year groups Ongoing
Development of the Service Learning Framework aligned to the Experiential Pedagogy Framework Held over
Continue promotion of Round Square conferences Ongoing
Develop plans to build stronger connections between the Pastoral Care Program and the spiritual life of the School Completed
Investigate opportunities for staff service participation Completed
Investigate greater connections between the Service Learning Program and the Uniting Church Held over
Introduce parent app Completed
Develop new parent portal and rollout stage one for testing Ongoing
Review campus directional and wayfaring signage Completed
Engage community in Giving Day to support key initiatives Completed
Partner with university provider to pilot pre-service teacher development program Completed
Development of the Partnerships framework Completed
Pilot partnerships with selected organisations Completed
Investigate opportunities for greater student connection with STEM Ongoing
Investigate future focused opportunities Ongoing
Plan and implement staff consultation processes and focus groups Ongoing
Develop staff engagement plans Held over
Establish Staff Wellbeing Committee Held over
Further develop health and wellbeing programs to support staff wellbeing Ongoing
Review administrative functions with view to enhancing coordination and service delivery Ongoing
Continue staff cultural awareness and safety program Ongoing
Review financial tracking and reporting Ongoing
Continue to refine business management system Ongoing
Undertake external ICT Review Completed
Continue implementation and training process for Student Information System Ongoing
Review phone systems and consider alternatives Held over
Ensure consistency of WIFI across campus Completed
Investigate School-wide dashboards Completed
Appoint architects for Performing Arts Centre Completed
Appoint project team for Performing Arts Centre Completed
Consider new sport precinct as second phase of design concept for Performing Arts Centre Completed
Finalise design for upgrade of Grantham Street entrance
Held over
Review classroom usage and allocation of teaching/admin spaces Ongoing
Upgrade undercroft flooring Completed
Upgrade basketball courts in Music Centre Completed
Install spectator seating on Hockey Fields Completed
Commission new workshops for Kent House Completed
Upgrade Main School Reception area Completed
Targets for 2024
Focus Action
Continue rollout of Immersive Learning programs across Senior School cohorts
Introduce new subjects for Senior Years
Develop roadmap for student related data
Review of timetable structure in the Senior School
Integrate new and emerging technologies in and beyond the classroom to engage and enhance the learning of our students
Learning and Teaching
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
Undertake wide ranging review of School reports
Implementation of the Kindergarten to Year 2 English syllabus
Review Early Years program and structure (Pre-Kindergarten)
Preparation for the implementation of the new syllabi in Mathematics, English (Year 7 to Year 10) and Science
Continue integration of ATSI perspectives
Review student leadership structure and process
Introduce Senior School Behaviour Guidelines
Introduce tailored ICT technologies to further monitor and support students with appropriate interventions
Enhance staff capability in Pastoral Care practice through professional learning and appropriate ICT programs
Review Pastoral Care and Wellbeing structure
Reinvigorate the House system
Appoint House Coordinator
Review of co-curricular administration
Pilot new Round Square experiences
Spiritual Life
Communication and Family
Continue rollout of new outdoor education experiences for specific year groups
Development of the Service-learning Framework aligned to the Experiential Pedagogy Framework
Continue promotion of Round Square conferences
Develop plans to build stronger connections between pastoral care program and the spiritual life of the School
Investigate opportunities for staff service participation
Investigate greater connections between the service-learning program and the Uniting Church
Introduce parent app
Develop new parent portal and roll out stage one for testing
Review campus directional and wayfaring signage
Engage community in Giving Day to support key initiatives
Partner with university provider to pilot pre-service teacher development program
Development of the Partnerships framework
Pilot partnerships with selected organisations
Investigate opportunities for greater student connection with STEM
Investigate future focused opportunities
Plan and implement staff consultation processes and focus groups
Develop staff engagement plans
Establish Staff Wellbeing Committee
Our Staff
Governance and Sustainability
Further develop health and wellbeing programs to support staff wellbeing
Review administrative functions with view to enhancing coordination and service delivery
Continue staff cultural awareness and safety program
Review financial tracking and reporting
Undertake external ICT Review
Continue to refine business management system ICT
Continue implementation and training process for new Student Information System
Review phone systems and consider alternatives
Ensure consistency of WIFI across campus
Investigate School-wide dashboards
Appoint architects for Performing Arts Centre
Appoint project team for Performing Arts Centre
Consider new sport precinct as second phase of design concept for Performing Arts Centre
Finalise design for upgrade of Grantham Street entrance
Review classroom usage and allocation of teaching/admin spaces
Upgrade undercroft flooring
Upgrade basketball courts in Music Centre
Install spectator seating on Hockey Fields
Commission new workshops for Kent House
Upgrade main School reception area
12. Initiatives Promoting Respect and Responsibility
MLC School’s four School Values – Courage, Compassion, Respect and Growth – form the foundation upon which our initiatives promoting respect and responsibility are developed Our approach to developing the MLC School girl’s social-emotional learning competencies and our approach to behaviour management which promotes a safe and positive environment, develop from these four School Values
MLC School’s Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Framework underpins the Junior School’s weekly pastoral care lessons for each year group The Pastoral Care program is developmental, focusing on one School Value per term, whilst across the year addressing all aspects of the five social and emotional competencies of selfawareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making These competencies are tracked across the Junior School’s Scope and Sequence to ensure all grades are developing all competencies It is informed by data to meet the personalised needs of cohorts This includes the Australian Council of Educational Research’s Social Emotional Wellbeing Survey, in-class feedback and assessment for Kindergarten to Year 6, as well as the Trustmapping student survey for Year 4 to Year 6 students
In line with the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Framework, the Junior School has developed Behaviour Management Guidelines that leads into that of the Senior School Both sets of guidelines outline behavioural expectations using evidence-based management strategies in the learning environment to promote positive behaviour and to support student learning� Respect and responsibility are an important aspect of this approach In 2023, we continued to review and refine the Guidelines to ensure they meet the needs of our students and the MLC School community
Co-curricular and leadership programs promote respect and responsibility by encouraging the girls to be involved in initiatives that look outside themselves These are guided by the School’s Experiential Pedagogy Framework� Service learning through House activities enables the community to be aware of others in need The girl’s voice and leadership in School activities builds a positive School community
In 2023, we instigated the development of a Leadership Program for girls in Year 4 and Year 5 using the Round Square Discoveries
This program aims to support girls in their discernment and choice for the various leadership portfolios on offer in Year 5, and upskilling them in the necessary skills for effective leadership, such as teamwork, communication and problem solving
Our diverse multicultural community is valued and respected, in line with our Christian ethos as a Uniting Church school
Throughout the year, we highlight significant faith and cultural celebrations, plus various faiths are studied in religion lessons
Our multicultural diversity is always valued and this is celebrated at significant events throughout the year� A highlight is International Night, bringing families of various religions, cultural backgrounds and structures together at a celebratory evening early in the School year
Senior School students have continued to be engaged in a range of activities to promote respect and responsibility within our community The 2023 Student Leadership Team, led by School Captain Erica Chou, have done a wonderful job to unite the Senior School community through initiatives and activities to promote our School Values� These events have emphasised the growth in compassion, strength and understanding
A wonderful example of this wellbeing was represented through the participation in RUOK Day, an annual event focused on normalising conversations around mental health The School captains led the White Ribbon Day Campaign as they stood together in solidarity with women who have suffered domestic abuse� In 2023, the fifth straight year of Teacher Appreciation Week was a great success, with students sending affirmation messages to individual staff members The School continued to work hard on other initiatives, some of which included Giving Day, International Women’s Day, Heart 4 Hearts Day on Valentine’s Day and the very popular Thrift Shop to recycle pre-loved clothes The School was again involved in Empowerment Day, where students joined together to educate and discuss the issues associated with consent
The School Values of Courage, Compassion, Respect and Growth are represented through school rules which are based on respect: for others, self and property The Senior School Behaviour Management and Student Discipline Guidelines were reviewed in 2023 which clarified expectations of students, encouraging them to continue to be positive members of the School community� In 2023, the School’s student leadership structure and election process was also reviewed and updated to maximise leadership skill development and utilise opportunities
13. Year 12 Parent Exit Surveys 2023
MLC School surveys all Year 12 parents about their experience at the School The survey is run by an external provider and all responses are deidentified
In 2023, survey responses were received from 130 out of a total of 280 eligible respondents This equates to a response rate of 46 4%
The key areas in which parent feedback was sought include:
Ì Values and Culture
Ì Leadership and Direction
Ì School Communication
Ì Curriculum
Ì Co-curricular
Ì Learning and Extension
Ì Teaching Standards
Ì Learning Environment
Ì Resources and Facilities
Ì Homework
Ì Reporting
Ì Pastoral Care/Wellbeing
Ì Student Transition
Ì Student Engagement
Ì Parent Engagement
Ì General
Ì Overall
MLC School recorded an overall satisfaction score of 80% (4 out of 5)
Best practice areas include:
Ì Learning Environment
Ì Resources and Facilities
Ì Co-curriculum
Ì Overall
Ì Values and Culture
Fair to good areas include:
Ì School Communication
Ì General
Ì Teaching Standards
Ì Parent Engagement
Ì Curriculum
Ì Reporting
Ì Pastoral Care/Wellbeing
Ì Leadership and Direction
Positive Parent Open-Ended Responses
Parents were asked to reflect on aspects of the School that they view most positively, some comments included:
Ì Culture of students supporting each other; teacher support for students; accessibility of Principal and senior staff; willingness to try different teaching approaches; variety of extra curricular activities; beautiful School community; MLC School does most things with excellence and (with) the girls’ best interest at heart We have loved being at MLC School Thank you so much
Ì We have been absolutely delighted with everything that MLC School, and in particular, the teaching staff have given to our daughter I am particularly impressed with the culture of the School – it captures academic excellence, tolerance, diversity and flexibility While I am sure there are some exceptions, my impression is that each girl will ultimately find her place and home within the School The system of allocating buddies to new students joining midway through a year, or out of the usual sequence, is very important
Ì Excellent academic and all-round education; the School sets high standards and expectations; teachers are very supportive
Ì Pastoral care is second-to-none; genuine interest displayed by MLC School teachers and staff in the wellbeing of the students; consistency in messaging of values and ethos via the staff and structure of the School i e School Values are ‘lived’ and actively displayed by the teaching staff�
Ì Student Engagement
Ì Learning and Extension
Ì Homework
Ì Student Transition
Ì The leadership group and the overwhelming number of staff at MLC School really care about their students, and it is this as much as any other factor that does so much to bring out the best in each girl It is this truly caring that makes such a difference
Ì The teaching staff are dedicated and incredible in supporting my child We have received incredible support The other students – our child has been there for 14 years and loves it Great experience overall
Ì IB Diploma Programme is excellent Round Square Program, debating and music etc, extra curriculums are excellent
Ì Many opportunities in terms of extra curricular activities, leadership roles, various performances etc; safe and culturally diverse School environment; strong friendships amongst peers
Ì Broad curriculum; girls are empowered in their learning and choices in relation to the education
Ì Thank you Lisa Moloney and the whole MLC School community for a wonderful six years of high school education for our daughter We are deeply grateful that our daughter had the opportunity to attend MLC School and we are sad that this time has come to an end Thank you for not only giving her an excellent educational foundation for the future, but also a strong moral foundation as well We hope our daughter now takes the MLC School Values with her to build a life of purpose and integrity A special thank you must be also extended to the Sports department for their continued support� A heartfelt thank you�